Below you will find my current list of books I would love to read if I had all the time in the world. As you can see, the list is almost just under 275 books (June 2012). The main problem with having a list like this is I add more than I can read and I don’t ONLY read from this list. Each year I hope to whittle down the list, but it never happens. I’ve recently whittled it down to under 275 by slightly cheating and taking off books on my bookshelf/to-be-read list which I already own.
On the list you will see that there are some color coded sections.
- Light Blue = Man-Booker Prize Winners and Notables listed here.
- Rose = Suggested through the Suggest a Book form.
- Orange = 2010 Boston Book Festival Discoveries
- Green = 2011 Boston Book Festival Discoveries
You must, must, must read Orlando! Amazing book!
I read excerpts when working on my Masters, but never read the entire thing. I’m definitely looking forward to it!
Also, as far as lesbian books go.. may I recommend another one for your list? Fried Green Tomatoes. The movie is good, but the book is better (they usually are).
I will definitely tack it on there. Coming from the south and knowing the basic subject of the book/film it’ll be worth looking into. Thanks for the suggestion and comments!
Now that is organisation! I mean, I counted my 746 but I couldn’t face making a list of them, although I think I should have….
That one’s been going for ages! So I just add on to it. The real feat was cataloging those I currently have and need to read.