Welcome to the page of hopes and dreams. Collectively there are over 400 books on these pages. Hopefully I’ll get to read all of them, but if the lists grow as fast as they have recently, who knows! Click a link below to see what’s on each list!
Austen(esque) – Books by, about and inspired by Jane Austen. Might be a bit of an obsession…
Brontë(nalia) – Same as above, but about the Brontës. Oh Emily you really get me.
The Classics Club – A five-year challenge to read a set number of classic books. I chose 85 books 100 books (updated in June 2012) and started in March of 2012.
Booker Prize – A list of the Booker Prize winners since its inception in 1969. (This list also includes a few shortlist/long list books I’ve already read or plan to read.)
National Book Award – I’m American, I don’t read American literature usually. This is my hoping to shame myself into reading more.
On My Bookshelf – These books are currently sitting on my bookshelf or Kindle waiting to be read. Hopefully I’ll chip away faster than I add to it.
Science Fiction/Fantasy Books – Two Classic lists combined to encourage me to read some of the lesser known SciFi and Fantasy classics!
Suggested Books – Books recommended by friends or via my Suggest A Book page. Or those recommended from my podcast.