ARC, Books

Book 824: Dream Bound (Tasier #1) – Arian Williams

Book cover of "Dream Bound" with Amazon Affiliate linkI had no idea what to expect when I decided to accept a copy of this one from Gay Romance Reviews.* I’ve tried to stay away from the super genre specific ones outside of MM romance, it just didn’t feel like it was my thing. But for some reason, this one just spoke to me.

This is the story of Joon, who has been stumbling through life not really able to make connections with other people and wondering what is wrong with him, and Trey, his soulmate who has all the memories of their dreams together that Joon can’t access.

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Book 799: Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love – Kim Fielding

Book cover of "Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love" with Amazon Affiliate linkSome days those emails from Amazon with the deal of the day books really get it right 😀 In general I avoid buying MM romance novels because I read them so fast I don’t feel like I get my money’s worth when really, I absolutely do. I just know that if I bought everyone I wanted I’d be broke all the time. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to support my local library by checking them out. This time though I was too impatient!

I grabbed a copy of this earlier in the month with no intentions of reading it and yet here I am. I needed some padding for another galley and this was right there on my Kindle front page, what else was I supposed to do?

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ARC, Books

Book 794: Best Laid Plans (Garnet Run #2) – Roan Parrish

"Best Laid Plans" book cover with Amazon Affiliate linkAs soon as I found out there was going to be another book in the series that brought me Better Than People, I jumped on board with a request to the publisher.*

Taking place not long after BTP, Best Laid Plans features Charlie, the older brother of Jack from the first novel who has spent his life sacrificing for Jack since their parents died, and Rye, a down on his luck loner who has come to Wyoming after inheriting a dilapidated house because he has nowhere else to go.

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ARC, Books

Book 761: Mediocre – Ijeoma Oluo

Book cover of "Mediocre" with Amazon Affiliate linkAs soon as I heard that Oluo was releasing another book I immediately sought out a copy. I couldn’t wait until it was released so sought out a galley ASAP.* I will buy a copy as well, because she’s wonderful. My response is definitely messy, but it’s because she makes me think so much about so many things and I just sort of try to regurgitate all of my thoughts at the same time instead of cohesively sharing them.

First, a diatribe about the early reviews I saw on Goodreads: If you ever needed a reason to read books like this (you don’t), you should take a look at the reviews for this one on Goodreads. Not only have a lot of the 1- and 2-star reviews totally misunderstood the entire book, they have attempted to explain their ratings with the thinnest of reasons that frankly annoyed the shit out of me. Not only are there the men (god fearing Christians if they’re to be believed) who completely missed that Oluo isn’t saying all white men are mediocre, just that the racist-ass systems built by white men reward the most mediocre of them, they straight up appear not to have even read the book, let alone tried to understand it.

Continue reading “Book 761: Mediocre – Ijeoma Oluo”

ARC, Books

Book 749: Feinted Love (Crimes of the Heart #1) – Elle Keaton

Book cover of "Feinted Love" with amazon affiliate linkI’ve been incredibly hesitant to accept another galley from Gay Romance Reviews after reading It’s A Steal and being appalled at the editing and the numerous 4-5 star reviews on Goodreads.* I’m glad to say this one was definitely a lot better than that one, so at least I wasn’t burned twice, right?

But what can I say (mostly because I’ve said it before), I’m a sucker for a cover model in glasses . . . swoon. I’m not sure I’d peg this cover model as Arnie, this guy just looks too smooth.

Continue reading “Book 749: Feinted Love (Crimes of the Heart #1) – Elle Keaton”