
Book 752: Rough Terrain (Out of Uniform #7) – Annabeth Albert

Book cover of "Rough Terrain" with amazon affiliate linkI knew I was going to love Annabeth Albert’s Out of Uniform series when I read Save the Date her military crossover with Wendy Qualls Heart of the South series and boy was I right!

I’m not going to spend this entire post waxing poetic about the series, but suffice to say the entire series was wonderfully written with great characters and engaging storylines. And this was a wonderful finale to the primary stories.

I’m sad that I’m finished, but only a little bit sad as I know I have SIX short stories that feature these characters to read at some distant point in the future.

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Book 751: Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6) – Annabeth Albert

Book cover of "Tight Quarters" with amazon affiliate linkI think this might be my least favorite from Albert’s Out of Uniform series. Maybe it’s because the others were so great, but this one just didn’t do it for me.

It’s not bad, it was just sort of middle-of-the road steamy MM romance for me. It could be that I didn’t really identify with either Bacon/Del (the Navy SEAL of this book) or Spencer (the silver fox journalist—hello Anderson Cooper stand in), but it just fell a little flat for me even though I rated it pretty high because it was still a great story with super-hot sex scenes.

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Book 725: Squared Away (Out of Uniform #5) – Annabeth Albert

Book cover of "Squared Away" with Amazon Affiliate linkYou didn’t really think I was going to go more than five books without reading an Annabeth Albert book, did you? Okay noob. (I’ve got jokes.) I actually got this from the library (digitally of course) before I started the last two books, but since those were both ARCs with early July publish dates I wanted to make sure I got to them first and this was my reward for finishing them.

This is the fifth installment in Albert’s Out of Uniform series and features Isaiah (Ike) who made his first cameos in At Attention (as a potential distracting love interest) and On Point (as a contentious one-night stand) and Mark/”Wizard”, yet another super-hot navy seal with all sorts of hang ups.

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Book 719: Wheels Up (Out of Uniform #4) – Annabeth Albert

Cover art of "Wheels Up" with Amazon Affiliate linkI’m not sure if this is Albert’s first foray into kink, but honestly it was a little underwhelming on the kink front. The only reason I mention this and start my review with it is I feel like there was a warning or a mention of it in the front matter and I was like oh this should be interesting.

Maybe I’ve just read works with a lot more kink in them, even though it’s not my usual fare, but this one just seemed so tame. Either way, Albert continues to bring beautifully written character driven romances to my world, tugging at my heart strings will making me blush constantly.

Continue reading “Book 719: Wheels Up (Out of Uniform #4) – Annabeth Albert”


Book 717: Mr. Right Now – Annabeth Albert

Cover art of "Mr Right Now" with Amazon Affiliate linkI had NO intentions of reading another Annabeth Albert book right after that, I fully planned to jump into Eric Cervini’s The Deviant’s War (or one of the other half-dozen ARC/galleys I’m trailing), but when I saw this flipping through Kindle Unlimited I of course jumped at it.

This is a holiday novella and comes in at just over 120 pages and I’m honestly mad at myself for not saving it for the holiday season so I’ll have to keep an eye out for other options.

Continue reading “Book 717: Mr. Right Now – Annabeth Albert”