ARC, Books

Book 811: Yes, Daddy – Jonathan Parks-Ramage

Book cover of "Yes, Daddy" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis is a dark ass book and a perfect example of what happens when I read too many MM Romances. I’m guessing I read the first part of the synopsis and either didn’t finish or blocked out the last portion when/after I requested a review copy.*

Don’t get me wrong, the fact that it’s dark definitely doesn’t take away from it being a good book, I just had no idea that it got dark and then even darker before starting to get a little lighter at the end. I did not like the protagonist, Jonah, and I do not think he redeemed himself by the end (and that is in no way victim blaming), he just wasn’t likeable.

Continue reading “Book 811: Yes, Daddy – Jonathan Parks-Ramage”

ARC, Books, Professional Development

Book 786: No Blanks, No Pauses – Shelly McNamara

Book cover of "No Blanks, No Pauses" with Amazon Affiliate linkWhen the publisher reached out to me about this I immediately knew I was going to say yes (even if it took me a few days to get around to telling them).* I’m always interested in LGBT individuals’ personal journeys to where they are today and when the subject line was “Chief Equality & Inclusion Officer at Procter & Gamble Publishes Inspiring Memoir on Living an Authentic Life”, of course I was in!

I knew nothing about Shelly McNamara and the only thing I knew about P&G, aside from all the random products of theirs I use, is that they have a big neon sign in Boston on a building (I think it’s a museum?), so I went in blind which isn’t anything new for me.

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Book 774: Winter Wonders (Holiday Romance #1) – Leighton Greene

Book cover of "Winter Wonders" with Amazon Affiliate linkIf you ever wonder what happens when you chose a series by the first book’s cover and title and commit to reading all of them without reading anything about them you end up reading a trilogy of MM Holiday Romance novels set in the Kink/BDSM community of Los Angeles. I read this as my 15th and (surprisingly) final book of my 12 Books of MM Romance binge. For some reason I assumed the whole trilogy was Christmas/Hanukkah based, but I definitely got that one wrong with Taming Tristan representing Valentine’s Day and Star Spanked representing Independence Day, so here we are.

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Book 759: The Problem with Mistletoe (Five Points Stories #1) – Kyle Baxter

"The Problem with Mistletoe" book cover with Amazon Affiliate linkI gave ample warning more were coming 😀

I stumbled across this one after finding this list of MM Holiday Romances on Goodreads and so you know there is no going back at this point.

I started with this series (because of course it is) since it had the cute illustrated covers I’ve come to appreciate as I’ve read more mm romances this year. There’s something about being able to fill in your own details when the covers are illustrated. I mean sure, the chiseled abs are nice but let’s at least get some variety going!

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Book 727: We Contain Multitudes – Sarah Henstra

Book cover of "We Contain Multitudes" with Amazon Affiliate linkI think I saw this on some bookstagram post and liked the cover and blurb enough to request it from the library. I had no expectations going into it, but I can tell you I was NOT expecting to have the air pulled out of my lungs constantly through the last half of the book.

Seriously though, the only thing I can compare it to is when you’re sobbing so hard and you can’t catch your breath and you just keep gasping trying to breathe but you’re only getting enough oxygen to keep sobbing. Jo and Kurl’s story was brutally beautiful.

Continue reading “Book 727: We Contain Multitudes – Sarah Henstra”