
December (and 2015!) Recap

2015 12-28 So Much TravelBetter late than never right?

It never fails that after my yearly trek to NC to spend time with family that I get sick. I’ve been sick since I got back on the 28th and it’s been no fun. I guess flying 600 miles, driving 900 and flying back another 600 really takes it out of me!

I’ve not been able to sort out this December and year-end recap and I haven’t been able to edit the last episode of Come Read With Me either. That also means this will be a shorter than usual post because I just don’t have the energy to do everything. Thankfully, a lot of my stats and stuff are preloaded for the year-end. I’m going to do a quick December Recap and then a 2015 Recap immediately after. Continue reading “December (and 2015!) Recap”


November Recap 2015

2015 11-15 Christmas BooksAnd just like that 11/12 of 2015 is gone. I am not ready for 2016 to be here and I am most definitely not ready for the holidays.

That being said I have almost completely finished shopping for presents, aka I’m broke again, but I’ll give you a guess of what at least four people on my list are getting this year 😉 I got my flights and rental car for my NC return the month before last, so now it’s just the dreaded waiting period before I actually head down for the festivities. I keep hoping things will get a little less busy, but I think I just have to adapt and move forward with all of my schemes and dreams or give them up which isn’t an option.

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October Recap 2015

2015 10-31 Frida and the GhostFull steam ahead right? We’re entering the last two months of the year and those are never busy. That last sentence is dripping with sarcasm. Mostly I’m impressed I’m reading anything at all, let alone keeping up with blogging, podcasting and another project that’s in the works. (Not to mention work and friendships and stuff.)

Outside of work it was a busy month full of culture and reading. I’ll talk more about La Bohème and our trip to Wellfleet and Provincetown, MA in the culture corner section. To end the month we went to my friend Caitrin’s house party for Halloween where I dressed as an old fashioned ghost and Tim dressed as Frida Kahlo. Needless to say I’m ready for the cooler weather to stick and to curl up with a book and read, but I don’t know if I’ll have any time to do that this year.

Continue reading “October Recap 2015”

Random, Updates

The Book Blog Clean Up :-(

2015 10-15 Goodye Book BloggersDon’t worry, I’m not leaving book blogging, it’s the one thing I’ve kept constant over the past however many years, this is more an observation of something I randomly stumbled upon earlier this week.

I originally wanted to call this post “RIP Fellow Book Bloggers,” because what I’m writing about is sad and it’s also October, so makes sense right? Well earlier this week, I’m still not sure why or how I did it, I found myself cleaning up my RSS feed. I had about 120 blogs under my “Books” label (individuals, libraries, bookstores, etc.). Well I started clicking on them individually and seeing when the last post was made and I was saddened by what I found. By time I finished I found out 57 of the book specific blogs I followed at one point no longer existed. Let me say that again, In the past 3-4 years ALMOST half of the book blogs that I discovered have ceased to exist. It was a bit surreal as I kept clicking and kept finding blogs that no longer existed, blogs that felt like they ended mid sentence and blogs that had turned private.

Continue reading “The Book Blog Clean Up :-(“

ARC, Updates

September Recap 2015

How in the world is it October? I still feel like I’ve just gotten back from Spain, it’s hot and the entire summer is before me, but that was three months ago! In reality, this is the busiest time of the year, it’s getting really cold in New England, we’re facing a potential hurricane in the next week and I’ve already done so many fall things it’s not even funny!

Thankfully, built into this really busy month I had some time to relax. A few of us went out to visit my sister who lives in the middle of a national forest and it was a much-needed break from the business that is Boston. The above left photo shows the offices (far right), pavilion and kitchen (center) and the bunk house (left). It was beautiful and we went for two walks and I took a nap by the pond. The right photo is from like 6AM where we were on the office porch just relaxing because we can’t sleep in anymore! (For more pictures check out my Instagram: geowhaley.

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