Review Policy

Chances are slim that I will accept unsolicited review requests. I generally accepted less 5% of them. Feel free to shoot your shot though!

If you’re interested in sending me your book for review, please email me at Your email should include a summary of the book, the release date, and any links that may give me further information about the book or the author.

I am open to accepting books for review from publishers, publicists and authors. I will only accept those books that I think I will enjoy reading, although the range of genres I enjoy is relatively wide. I am very picky about self-published books; nine times out of ten, I won’t read them.

Friends and people whose work I’m familiar with already are pretty much the only exceptions to the no-self-published-books rule.

My reviews will always reflect my honest opinions. In the event that I accept your book for review on my website, I will give my honest thoughts in my review, even if that means saying that I did not enjoy your book. I do try to find something good in every book so even if I don’t enjoy a book I will point what works well and what didn’t for me.

I read a lot of books and this is a personal project in addition to my full-time non-reading-related  job, so I cannot guarantee I will read and respond to your book as soon as I receive it. However, I will do my best to read it and review it as close to the release date as possible, but there are no guarantees. If you have a specific time frame in which you would like your book reviewed, the sooner you contact me before the date you’d like it reviewed, the better.

I cannot guarantee a response to every email, but please note if I decide that the particular book you’re contacting me about isn’t something that I would enjoy reading or if you don’t hear from me, please don’t let that deter you from contacting me about other books in the future.