This is a VERY quick post to say that I’m slowly on my way back to book blogging. I doubt I’ll ever be as prolific as I was before, but I am slowly getting back into the habit after an almost 6 month break after completing my degree. I didn’t plan to take the break, but I did and now I’m slowly catching up on posts from last year and trying to figure out the future of this blog.
The biggest thing book wise is I’m slowly transitioning from Goodreads to Storygraph! So go add me as I figure it out 🙂
With over 1,000 reviews to clean up, it’s going to be a while. I also have no idea what I’m doing over there, so it’ll be interesting. Along with this I deleted my Twitter/X and Tumblr accounts, I’m streamlining.
It has been a wild six months—I graduated, we spent two weeks in Europe, we moved, there was a wedding and a honeymoon, I started a new job, and last month I started a knitting YouTube channel—and one day I’ll catch you all up on it, but suffice to say I’m glad to be getting back into some sort of routine.
I’m hoping to get my 2024 Year-End Recap up next week, but we’ll see. I’m also working on a backlog of reviews from as far back as May 2024 so those will also start to pop up at some point.
Books and Bookish Things
Below is what I’ve read since my last recap, * denotes an ARC. I also made it about halfway through The Nightmare Before Kissmass by Sara Raasch, but the holidays and work travel got the best of me and I didn’t finish it. Fingers crossed I’ll finish it in July right after I finish reading Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa.
July 2024
August 2024
October 2024
December 2025
Craft Corner
As I mentioned above, I started a YouTube knitting channel. I spend a lot of time knitting, especially during the winter, and it was something I’d been thinking about for a while and I just jumped in right before the holidays. Why not add more chaos right? If you’re at all interested you can check out my intro and first episodes below, or go check out my 2024 Vlogmas: 12 Days of Knitmas playlist where I waxed poetic about 12 random fiber related topics!
I hope you are all well and had restful (or chaotic and fun) winter holiday seasons and 2025 is looking up for you!
Do you have any major 2025 bookish plans? My two big ones are the Storygraph transition and easing back into blogging 🙂