Book two of Albert’s A-List series finds us picking up not long after Tough Job leaves off. This time we’re with Danny’s stepbrother, Duncan, and his best friend, Ezra. Duncan is the head of the security firm that the series gets its name from, and Ezra is a rockstar living his best life.
I honestly can’t remember why Ezra needed the security, he may have fought with his previous person, it may have been a cover story to get in Duncan’s pants, but he needed them and went to Danny and Duncan got pulled in.
The story itself was engaging as I blazed through it. Albert came through with another strong character driven romance. They didn’t click at first and Duncan toed the “you’re my client” line a little too long for my taste, but it was inevitable they’d get together.
Hell, I even regulated my usual post-workout snacks. The memory of last night’s BBQ made my mouth buzz and stomach rumble, all the carbs I seldom allowed myself. Maybe that was what Ezra was: a big, sugary slice of cake, a temptation I couldn’t refuse in the face of overwhelming hunger. It had been so damn long since I’d broken a rule or done something just for myself for the sheer hell of it. (Loc. 1,048)
This is the only novel of the series that didn’t really talk about PTSD, but it did focus on Duncan’s leadership in the military and how the inherent structures kept him from really making friends or connecting with people. It was a little sad, but added a lot of depth to his character and his drive to create A-List Security to provide a place for wayward veterans that need to find their place back in the civilian world.
I’m good at getting people to like me, and I’m a great leader. That’s not the same thing as being friends with someone. I’m the commodore of acquaintances. (Loc. 1,737)
The scene, however, that really stood out to me was when Duncan went to Ezra’s parents’ house and Ezra sang a song he wrote about Duncan, it was so beautifully written (the scene and the song) and it just put a beautiful bow on that part of the novel. It also led to the final proposal scene that was just, chefs kiss:
You make me less alone. You’re the friend I didn’t know I needed and the lover I was scared to want. But I’m my best self with you. (Loc. 4,091)
There were also of course, plenty of rockstar moments with Ezra being a brat or Duncan being overbearing and the sex scenes as always were well written, but they have faded since I read the novel.
Recommendation: A good read, not my favorite from the series, but I remember enjoying it. Albert does not disappoint, and she always does great with military/ex-military romances. I enjoyed that the characters from Tough Luck, played a role in this one and a character from the follow up, Bad Deal, has also played decent sized roles.
Opening Line: “Domestic happiness weirded me out.”
Closing Line: “He was thanking me when he was the best thing I’d ever found, and I was going to spend the rest of my life thanking the universe for the gift of him.” (Whited out to avoid spoilers, highlight to read.)
2 thoughts on “Book 1,016: Hard Job (A-List Security #2) – Annabeth Albert”