I planned to start with the ridiculous movie theater I went to, but why not just go in order?
If you remember back in March I went to see a live taping of the podcast Welcome to Night Vale and how much fun I had, you’ll appreciate this. When I found out a few months ago one of my favorite podcasts, Throwing Shade, was coming to Boston I immediately bought tickets! The original plan was that Caroline, Hayley, a TBD friend and I would go. I mean it’s a comedy podcast dealing with politics and pop culture, of course it would be AMAZING.
In the end, after a lot of humming and hawing, it was Caroline and Nick who I mention a lot and the guy I’m seeing, we’ll call him Tex for now :-D, and me. I was nervous about Nick and Tex not enjoying themselves, but I needn’t have worried! They were in stitches more than Caroline and me! It’s actually quite difficult to explain why Throwing Shade is so great and thus hard to explain why people should listen to it, but I was just happy the two of them enjoyed it. Bryan and Erin went off on some hilarious tangents and the crowd being super into it made the show that much better! I think I most enjoyed Erin and Bryan’s observations about visiting Boston and Cambridge! If you haven’t checked them out before, you should! They even mentioned one of my tweets on Episode 126!
So that following weekend I was staying at Tex’s place and we were going to brunch (don’t ask – I’m still like who am I?) and afterward his roommates wanted to go see Guardian’s of the Galaxy. Now I’m all for seeing movies, but I go see them first thing in the morning when no one else is in the theater and it’s super cheap! Well, this was something else.
We went to a Cinema de Lux, after getting over feeling completely out-of-place I did enjoy the experience, but whoa.The seats are all electronic and fully recline, you order what you want from that iPad and they bring it to you! As part of your expensive ticket (I didn’t look and I don’t want to know) you get $5 voucher and FREE popcorn, but the rest of the menu was RIDICULOUS. The woman in front of me ordered pan-seared salmon! Pan! Seared! Salmon! I kid you not, my jaw dropped when I heard this. Apart from the experience I really enjoyed the movie! It was a funny take on super hero movies and I can’t wait to see where it goes in the sequel.
Now for the final, most awesomest event of the year so far:
My roommate Matt got me tickets to see Robyn and Röyksopp and it finally happened! I’ve been in love with Robyn since Show Me Love (video below) in 1996 and I think more people should love her. I had the chance to see her in February 2011, but I couldn’t afford tickets and I was absolutely gutted, so when Matt told me he’d got me these tickets I was ecstatic!
Not only did her and Röyksopp perform their EP, Do It Again, but she sang a lot of her biggest hits from Body Talk and I was in heaven! You should check out any of the music videos from the EP: Monument (the weirdest), Say It and Do It Again (my favorite song!). They are very weird, but incredible! I was very happy Tex went with me and he had a great time, even if we were both exhausted! He had no idea who either Robyn or Röyksopp were, even though each of his roommates knew at least one of the two!
Holy cow! That is some movie theater! I want to go there now, and I’m not even that big into going to movie theaters. Haha!
“What did you do today?”
“Oh, we went to see a movie.”
“Oh yeah? Did you eat lots of popcorn?”
“No, I ordered filet mignon.”
That was seriously an option! I was do amazed by the entire idea of it. And a lot of the movies are 18+ which I can completely appreciate. If I go back I’d look at it as more of a big treat every now and then.
Yeah, it sounds like a very fun thing to do a few times a year, maybe.