
Book 826: His Compass (His #2) – Con Riley

Cover art of "His Compass" with Amazon Affiliate linkI was a little surprised to find that there were already two additional books released in Con Riley’s His series. I read and adored His Horizon this time last year and had kept an eye out for the follow-ups, but either missed the review opportunity or totally spaced on them.

So, when I realized they were on Kindle Unlimited I grabbed both for this up-coming holiday and am glad I did. His Compass is the story of Captain Tom, who we briefly met in the first book and Nick, the seemingly wayward irresponsible deck hand who has his own backstory that provides the crises of the novel.

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30x30, Personal Project

30 x 30: #7 – Spend a day at the beach

IMG_0958Yesterday, as part of my random three-day stay-cation I drove down to Cape Cod to spend the day at the beach. For those of you keeping track, that’s 8 of 30. I know a few friends have plans for the fourth to go, but I wanted a day by myself and to get out of Boston if only for a few hours. I couldn’t have asked for a better day!

Growing up roughly two hours inland in North Carolina we went to the beach EVERY summer growing up. Whether it was a day trip like I did yesterday or a week-long house rental with all my aunts and uncles, we went. I even worked at a summer camp on a very large saltwater pond in Rhode Island. Basically, I’m just trying to say I really like the beach. It’s been years since I last went to the beach just to go to the beach.

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