
Book 996: Hot Lips (The Hot Cannolis #4) – Tara Lain

Book cover of "Hot Lips" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis book, the conclusion of Eli Easton and Tara Lain’s The Hot Cannolis series, slid under my radar at the end of last year (totally blaming school for that one). I knew it was coming because Easton had written her solo of the series, and yet I still missed it.

I’m so glad Tito got a story! Ever since he was mentioned in one of the earlier books I knew he’d get a book and it would be different from the others. Tito was always described as slight and incredibly beautiful, unlike the other muscly hyper-masculine first-responder protagonists.

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Book 995: Ice Devils (Bethesda Barracudas #4) – Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood

Book cover of "Ice Devils" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis was my least favorite novel of the series.

Some of that comes from reading the books back-to-back with no break in between, but more of it comes from the two characters and choices made by Taylor and Harwood that just really bothered me. That being said, kudos to them for including their first non-white protagonist.

Ice Devils Is the story of Blake Conti and Mark “Sako” Sakamoto. Conti is out and proud and Sako is so deep in the closet that it’s painful to read. Seriously, like I get the closet, it worked in many of the other books, but don’t make your first minority protagonist have more issues than any other character. It’s not a good look.

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Book 991: Nice Catching You (Bethesda Barracudas #1) – Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood

Book cover of "Nice Catching You" with Amazon Affiliate linkI started this book on the plane home from vacation in the Dominican Republic. I wasn’t ready for vacation to end and had shockingly finished my school reading. I decided to check this book out after reading The Chrismukkah Crisis, also by Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood. I’ve always been a fan of MM Sports Romances so I figured why not give it a go?

This is the story of Nick, the superstar of the college’s hockey team, and Jacob, a nerdy third-year law student at the same college. They meet on a trip when the bus driver somehow flings Jacob through the air into Nick’s arms and the story goes from there. Of course, they end up having to share a room and fall madly in love with each other over a ridiculously short amount of time.

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Book 987: A Cowboy’s Home (Montana #3) – R.J. Scott

Book cover of "A Cowboy's Home" with Amazon Affiliate linkI wasn’t too surprised with this novel continuing the trend of being set in the West on a ranch, but not necessarily being a Western Romance, but it opened a lot darker than I thought it would! I’m talking full-on fight scenes and murder for survival! And there’s nothing wrong with that Scott jumped right in and grabbed my attention and kept me hooked for the first half of the novel.

A Cowboy’s Home tells us the story of Ethan’s missing brother, Justin, and where he’s been ever since his disappearance. It also tells the story of Sam, the mouthy flirty cook at Crooked Tree Ranch.

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Book 962: Art Therapy (Rooms for Romance #1) – Tag Gregory

Book Cover of "Art Therapy" with Amazon Affiliate linkWhen this one landed in my inbox I wasn’t 100% sold on it but when I realized Gregory took a hotel I’d stayed at (Kennedy School in Portland, OR) and turned it into a romance novel I decided I had to read it.*

This is the story of Jayce and Ryan. Jayce suffered a stroke and some brain injuries that haven’t affected his mental capacity but have affected his speech and ability to do certain things including slowing down the art he does for the hotel as part of a rehabilitation/work program, and Ryan is a hot shot sex machine that’s been brought in to help with PR for the launch of the new hotel.

Continue reading “Book 962: Art Therapy (Rooms for Romance #1) – Tag Gregory”